Working together to provide the care that’s right for you

Demonstrating professionalism through approach, behaviour and attitudes of Realistic Medicine

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Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2023/2024 – Realistic Medicine: Taking Care




Click here to read the whole report  


An introduction to Realistic Medicine:

One of the main aims of Realistic Medicine is for people using healthcare services and their families to feel empowered to discuss their treatment fully with healthcare professionals, including the possibility that a suggested treatment might come with side effects – or even negative outcomes. Everyone should feel able to ask their healthcare professional why they’ve suggested a test, treatment or procedure, and all decisions about a person’s care should be made jointly between the individual and their healthcare team.

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Value Based Health & Care


By practicing Value Based Health & Care we can achieve better outcomes for the people we care for, and our health system.

In December 2022 the Realistic Medicine team in Scottish Government published a Vision for Value Based Health & Care in Scotland.  

In October 2023 the Value Based Health & Care Action Plan was published. It sets out 13 high level actions which aim to support all health and care professionals across Scotland to practise Realistic Medicine and deliver better value care. 

Click the links below to read more.


Value Based Health & Care Action Plan Delivering Value Based Health & Care: A Vision for Scotland Value Based Health and Care e-learning module

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