A unique collaboration of families and staff in the neonatal unit of the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow
This is a unique collaboration of families and staff in the neonatal unit of the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow. Their aim is to support parents to be primary caregivers for their baby, no matter how sick, in partnership with clinical staff.
This is a model of Family Integrated Care (FIC). Two key elements of the work are education for families, and encouraging peer-to-peer support. Innovative daily Family Awareness Sessions are held most days from 2-3pm for all families in the neonatal unit and aim to give parents skills and knowledge to care for their baby, as well as a chance to meet and support each other. Topics are requested by parents and sessions are led by staff of all backgrounds including staff nurses, nursery nurses, neonatal doctors, pharmacists, dieticians and psychologists. “Veteran” parents, both mothers and fathers, also return to lead sessions and share their experiences.
Family feedback is extremely positive, and parents feel more confident, have improved understanding of their baby’s condition and care, and are forming strong and long-lasting friendships. HUGG has empowered the staff nurses to lead change and improve care for their patients.